4 Animals to See in Sedona
Sedona has an incredibly unique natural history, thanks to Oak Creek’s wonderful diversity. Plants reign supreme in the area, with hundreds of different species living in every nook and cranny. Trails stretch for miles throughout Sedona’s majestic landscapes, providing easy access to the great outdoors. There are also many different nature walks hosted by a variety of companies for any tourist looking for an informative hike. For folks who can’t hike or simply don’t have the time, there are many small parking lots along the side of the road that can be easily stopped at for a quick peek at the natural splendor. While plants has definitely taken their place in the heart of Sedona, the area is also full of animals! Here are the top four animals to watch for during your time in Sedona. 4: Rattlesnakes Keep a sharp eye out for these guys! A couple different species of rattlesnakes call Sedona home, including the the black-tailed rattlesnake, the prairie rattlesnake, and the dia...