
Showing posts from December, 2017

New Year's Eve 2018

2017 is coming to a close. The year has been full of stresses, adventures, new experiences, and much more. Each person experienced the year differently but everyone has dealt with the realities of 2017. The best way to create an amazing 2018 is to choose what you want to bring into the new year and what you would like to leave behind. Beginning the new year with positivity and intention is an important concept for many religions, cultures, and other groups. If you are spending this December 31st in Sedona, there are a plethora of ways for you to kick off the New Year. A few of them are highlighted below. The Sound Bites Grill in Sedona is hosting Walt Richardson & Friends this Sunday starting at 7:30pm . Walter Richardson II is a performing singer songwriter, with a passion for rhythm and acoustic guitar, in Tempe Arizona. He has been both a solo performer and band leader for 30 years. The event is for folks 21 and up with a attire theme of Reggae. If energy wo...

Information on the 2018 Sedona Marathon

Running is an important part of life to many people. Even people who are not professional athletes can benefit from a weekly run. Of course, not everyone can run and most people certainly can not run a marathon. Marathons have been an Olympic event since 1896, although the distance was not standardized until 1912. The 42.195 kilometres or 26.2 miles that we now recognize as an official marathon comes from the story of a Greek soldier’s run from the Battle of Marathon to Athens. While this story is now considered more of a fable, the event remains. There are over eight hundred official marathon events worldwide, and one of them is here in beautiful Sedona. February 3rd, 2018 will be the 13th annual Sedona Marathon . The course takes runners through the scenic Coconino National Forest District, known for its magical scenery and rock-formations. There will also be an Event Expo for spectators, supporters and participants. The Expo will feature local artists and live perfor...

Family-Friendly Sedona

When someone says vacation, most people automatically think of being outside, eating out at a nice restaurant, or simply relaxing. In an age when busier is always better until you barely have room to breathe, the idea of taking a vacation can feel both impossible and crucial. In the end, downtime is important not only for our sanity, but for our physical health as well. How much rest you get will make or break your attention span, your skin complexion, and your overall energy levels. So vacations are important, but setting aside the time to do nothing is easier said than done. There are hotel rooms to book, tours to research, and restaurant reviews to read. And, on top of all that, many of us have kids. Children make vacation planning a logistical nightmare. Being out in nature is great until someone has to pee, nice restaurants are amazing until the appetizers end up on the floor, and simple relaxing is a completely foreign concept to a high-energy six year old. Location is ev...